Memory Monday – No electronics

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On the very first blog I had, Memory Monday was one of my recurring stints. And I realized that I’ve missed that. Sometimes walking down memory lane can be bitter-sweet, and sometimes it’s a place one can get stuck. In the past.
But I chose to look at it as something to use to see how far we’ve come….and in some instances how little the world has changed.

Being born in the late 70s has meant decades of memories. Of games, toys and most importantly no electronics. Trying to tell my wee one about a world without electronics is fun. And kinda mind blowing for the kid. She’s born in 2011. A time where everyone was attached to some sort of handheld electronic device. This year she turns 9. And she’s got access to computers, gaming consoles, tablets, smart-TV, lots of things connected to the intertubes. (Me calling it the intertubes, is basically me showing my age. I’m Gen X, 3 years from being a Gen Z or Millennial…)
She does not have her own phone. Some of her friends do. I (we) think she’s way too young for that. And she’s not doing anything outside of school, where she needs to have access to one. Sometimes she feels. that’s not fair. But that’s life.

Anyways. Speaking of phones. When I was 9, I didn’t have access to all that. We had pay phones……phone booths. And rotary phones. Or wall phones with long spirally chords. Which were a hazard. Always getting tangled up into those. We also didn’t have the option to just text anyone. We had no choice but to call people. Or mail a letter or a card. As in snail mail. No emails back then either.

Photo by    LoboStudio Hamburg    on    Unsplash

Photo by LoboStudio Hamburg on Unsplash

Life seemed simpler back then. Better.
In reality….it was just different.

